Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Post.

I'm alive.
I'm just a terrible blogger. 

Still working on Transterpreting, as before. The Atom plugin is moving along, but it has turned out to be more complicated than we had thought when we were beginning. 

So far we have 
  • Made a request for configuration things from the server
  • Received a response
  • Made the response readable
  • Put the readable response into a drop-down
It's not a great deal of progress, however we are working in an interesting environment that we don't have any collective experience with, and are using a language (Coffeescript) that we are not familiar with.

The most difficult component of our work on the plugin thus far has been figuring out how the Coffeescript is supposed to look. At times we have found ourselves trying to write something that is, in fairness, pretty much plain Javascript. 

There are several significant differences though, the primary being that there are no "extra" characters, ever. Meaning: semi-colons, brackets, braces, etc. If there is some character you want to type because of formatting, don't. It won't work. The language is dependent upon indentation, much like Python. 

Which is kind of gross. It is what it is.

So, we continue forward.

-Craig Warner

Friday, April 1, 2016


Boogity Boogity Boogity
I actually hate NASCAR.

Clearly there has been a lack of vigilance on my behalf in terms of this blogging business. C'est la vie, what's done is done, the past is over and we have only the present to concern ourselves with.


Work is now underway. In Austin's absence today (good luck interviewing) Zach and I changed direction a tad. Instead of building out a large JSON structure to represent what the server expects to be sent, we have started on the process of retrieving configuration information from the server.

We have also tried to make some concrete design decisions. The conclusion we came to is that we would like to have a modal pop up when the Transterpreter logo/button/thing is clicked. This modal should contain some method of identifying and selecting the board the user has and a giant button that says "TRANSTERPRET" in the middle. This button will package and send the appropriate information to the server to be compiled and given back.

It's all very exciting stuff, I promise. We will have to talk to Austin over the weekend to identify a more concrete plan for the final stretch of the course, but for now we will continue work to this end.
